Leading the way in wireless EMG and IMU technology

Providing trusted solutions to assess muscle function, enhancing patient care and advancing clinical research in the field of motion analysis.

“ There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. “

(Enrico Fermi)

The best.

Front view of the Wave Plus receiver

Wave Plus, since 2001 the reference for wireless clinical and research EMG technology.

The next.

Front view of the WaveX receiver

WaveX, 15 years of experience in one huge technological leap.

MiniX waterproof emg sensors on swimmer's right shoulder and arm, swimmer resting pool side


The only waterproof EMG systems on the market, now IP68 certified to a depth of 5 meters. A reference for underwater research and rehabilitation since 2014.

Gait analysis, lower legs set up with MiniX emg sensors


Check out how our EMG and IMU sensors can help your biomechanics research projects. From gait to ergonomic, we can cover virtually any application in the world of human motion analysis.


Discover our EMG and Motion Tools software, a completely free and yet powerful instrument to acquire, analyze and report EMG and IMU data.

Fixed delay

All our EMG sys­tems have been devel­oped in order to have a fixed delay from the acqui­si­tion of the sig­nal to the ana­log out­put.

Diversity receiver

This technology is integrated in all our EMG systems and minimizes the effect of wave reflections from walls or objects.

Impedance check

Exclu­sive sys­tem devel­oped by Cometa that auto­mat­i­cally checks the imped­ance of the skin dur­ing the pre-​acquisition phase.

Inductive charge

We have been equipping all sensors with our inductive charging technology since 2005.

Analog 66

The only one in the EMG world that can carry out the data of sixty-​six
chan­nels simul­ta­ne­ously.

Custom analog

Introduced with WaveX, this technology enables the user to customize the analog output with EMG and raw IMU data up to 40 channels.

WaveX and IMU Sensors

Analysis of Swimmer’s Stroke Cycle Using WaveX and IMU Sensors

In this study, data from WaveX and two TrackX IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensors produced by Cometa srl, which can generate consistent and reliable data underwater, were used to analyze a swimmer’s stroke cycle. The…

Muscle Activation Patterns During Freestyle Swimming: Insights from Underwater Wireless sEMG

Using underwater wireless surface electromyography (sEMG) is of invaluable importance for understanding muscle activation during the freestyle stroke cycle, and it is crucial for optimizing swimming performance and reducing injury risk. This study identified the…