Introducing the new line of IP68 certified sensors from Cometa. Discover the possibilities of our waterproof EMG and IMU sensors and take your research or sport application to the next level.
Enjoy our products in action.
Tennis practice recording with IMUs and EMGs
This is our new promo video showing the features of our latest EMG and IMU models. We recorded full body IMU with joint angles, 8 ch EMG, and 8 EMG + 7 IMU lower body. All of it in a real practice setting, outdoor, with easy setup and no distance limitations.
Mini Wave and WaveTrack Waterproof IPX7 certified EMG and IMU sensors
Our EMG and IMU sensors are the only ones on the market that can work underwater. In the video, an athlete performs several tasks, including underwater gait (ideal for rehabilitation research), and fast swimming in different styles. All data is logged on board the sensors and downloaded later. Customers include Japan Institute of Sports Science and Edinburgh University. Contact us for more information and a quote.
See it from our clients
Discover the ways our clients use our products in their specific fields.
This video is a summary of the Biomot EU FP7 Project. We recommend to all the audience interested in wearable robotics and biomechanics to watch full video. Technaid’s exoskeleton Exo-H2 has been used for different tests along the project and the inertial technology for subject’s biomechanical analysis was provide by Technaid too.
The main objective of the project was to improve existing wearable robotic exoskeletons exploiting dynamic sensory-motor interactions and developing cognitive capabilities that can lead to symbiotic gait behaviour in the interaction of a human with a wearable robot.
Fête de la science : visitez le laboratoire IRISSE
Toute l’équipe vous présente le laboratoire IRISSE et ses recherches en sport et santé
Luca Puce – Ricercatore in Neuroscienze
Luca Puce, laureato in Scienze motorie e dottorando presso la Clinica neurologica dell’Università di Genova. Si occupa di sport e riabilitazione per atleti paralimpici. Come allenatore e responsabile del Settore nuoto alle Piscine di Albaro ha vinto con il suo atleta Francesco Bocciardo la medaglia d’oro 400 m stile libero ai Giochi paralimpici di Rio de Janeiro 2016.